न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।
तत्स्वयं योगसंसिद्धः कालेनात्मनि विंदति॥
Here in this world, there is nothing more pure than knowledge. One who is accomplished in yoga gets it within him or herself.
Here the word Knowledge has a deeper meaning. It means the true knowledge of the Universe. In advaIta vedAnta it is mentioned as chaitanya, the productive power of the Universe which is ageless.
Everything else is ephemeral like birth and death..but not Atma.
When a sadhaka reaches the level of awareness..he or she is totally fearless as he or she has achieved the level of consciousness and where the sadhaka completely knows that his Atma is imperishable and is one with the Supreme Divine source parmAtma.
True knowledge leads to liberation.
Swasti. SubhambhUyAt.
An article by Tej
More indepth writeup on this topic is coming soon. Stay tuned!