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Updated: Nov 7, 2020

Theory of Akshara & Shabda

In ancient times, Shiva was denoted as having 4/5 heads.

These are 5 inherent energies of Shiva, represented by 4 ( 1 & 2 are inseparable)/ 5 manifest heads.

5 energies give rise to 16 vowels of Sanskrit: a A i I u U ri rI li lI e ai o au m h - made of subtlest tattva, Shiva tattva!

a) cit- consciousness, alphabet"a"
b) ananda- bliss, alphabet "A"

These 2 are inseparable & remain in unmanifest universe (hence 4/5 head).

c) iccha- will, alphabet i (unagitated) & I (agitated).

iccha is NOT desire as wrongly translated by many.

d) jnana- knowledge, alphabet u (about to manifest) & U (creation begins)

But Shiva detaches himself from creation & resides in original 2 shaktis.

Universe continues to expand.

Expansion of creation gives rise to 4 next vowels- ri rI li lI These vowels don't create anything.

It's when cit & Ananda Shakti come in contact with iccha Shakti they create vowel e.

Then again cit & Ananda Shakti contact vowel e to give rise to vowel ai.

Likewise when cit & Ananda shakti come in contact with jnana shakti then they create vowel o.

Then again cit & Ananda Shakti contact vowel o to create vowel au.

e) kriya- action is represented by these last 4 contacts & creation of e ai o au

e is asphut.

ai is sphut (vivid)

o is sphutatra (more vivid)

au is sphutatama (most vivid)

After creation & manifesting 5th Kriya ahakti, Shiva rests in native cit+Ananda Shakti & now represented by m (anusvara).

And whole creation as reflection of Shiva is represented by h (visarga).

These 16 vowels are made of Shiva tattva.

Rest of alphabet is Shakti tattva (35 tattva)

It's the story of "aum" & also the basis of mantras to invoke Shiva & Shakti energies.

This Universe is not created in the strict sense.

It's just his svatantrya, reflection of paramshiva.

In 5 energies this svatantrya is reflected.

All tattvas are reflection of these 5 energies of Shiva.

In these 5 energies all these 5 energies are present.

Just that one is predominant.

So this gives rise to 25 energy combinations which reflect as first 25 tattvas- from prithvi to purusha.

5 mahabhutas are 5 consonants from na to ka, produced by cit+Anand sakti (a, A) when mixed with 5 energies.

- cit sakti predominant- akasha- letter na

- Anand sakti- vayu- letter gha

- iccha sakti- agni- letter ga

- jnana sakti- jala- letter kha

- kriya sakti- prithvi- ka

5 tanmatras are 5 consonants nya to ca produced by iccha sakti- (i, I) when mixed with 5 energies.

- cit sakti predominant- sabda- abode of sound- nya

- Anand sakti- sparsha- letter jha

- iccha sakti- rupa- letter ja

- jnana sakti- rasa- letter cha

- kriya sakti- gandha- ca

5 karmendriyas are 5 consonants from Na to Ta r produced by ri & rI with 5 energies

- cit sakti- vak- Na

- Ananda sakti- pani- dha

- iccha sakti- pada- da

- jnana sakti- payu- tha

- kriya sakti- upastha- Ta

5 jnanendriyas are 5 consonants from na to Ta r produced by li & lI with 5 energies

- cit sakti- ghrana- na

- Ananda sakti-rasana- dha

- iccha sakti-tvak- da

- jnana sakti-caksu- tha

- kriya sakti-srotra-ta

Jnana sakti-(u, U) mixed with 5 energies produce 5 tattvas Manas, Buddhih, Ahankara, Prakriti, Purusha

Which are 5 consonants from pa to ma

- cit sakti- Purusha- ma

- Ananda sakti- Prakriti- bha

- iccha sakti- Ahankara- ba

- jnana sakti- buddhih- pha

- kriya sakti- manas- pa

6 kanchukas give 4 limitations- 4 semi vowels

- KAl+kalA- letter ya

- vidyA- letter ra

- rAga+niyatI- la

- mAyA- va

These limitations are internal (antahstha) to Purusha & not arise from 5 energies directly

4 tattvas from 32 to 35 are also not created by 5 energies directly.

They are expansion of own nature (heat) of Paramshiva- UshmA

- suddhavidyA- aham-aham/idam-idam (I-I/This-This)- sha

- isvara- idam-iham (This-I)- ssa

- sadAshiva- aham-idam (I-This)- sa

- saktI- aham (I)- ha

Aim of Matrikacakra is to function with first & last letter in either way of Siva or Sakti

Way of Siva:

1st letter a is 1st step of Siva in creative field, combine it with last letter ha, which is resting place (Panini's concept of pratyahara) you will find all in between.

You add letter m in end to get mantra of Siva- aham.

This letter m is significant.

It indicates that while creating all worlds (112 universes), 36 tattvas & 5 coverings of kalA, it all really has created nothing.

It's just 1 point (Bindu)

This is significance of m- anusvAra!

Way of Sakti is different.

In Sakti pratyahara, 2 saktis combine & create a world of their own.

Sakti is a created being.

Sakti wants to be independent of her creator - Siva.

So she creates world of Her own

1st letter of Sakti consonant- ka combines with last letter of Sakti-sa

This produces mantra of Sakti- ksa.

There are 3 visarga in Matrikacakra:

a) sambhava (para visarga)

This is supreme visarga.

It exists at stage of Ananda sakti (A).

It's mode is cittapralayah- thoughtlessness.

b) sakta (parapara visarga)

This is medium visarga (h).

Mode is cittasambodhah- one-pointedness

c) anava (apara visarga)

This is lower visarga.

It represents narah(individual)- ha.

Mode is cittavisrantih- mind resting in concentration

An article by GS

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