The scholar might have translated kamakoti in literal sense where koti means billions and kama as love. And hence, Kamakoti. These as every danger that some laymen might take for granted.
Here is my version.
The Nataraja in Chidambaram or Tillaivanam performs the Tandava dance before Patanjali, Vyaghrapada, Sanaka, Sanandana and other sages. At the close of the dance, Nataraja produces 14 sounds with his Damaruka.
From these 14 sounds, emanated 14 Sutras and 14 branches of Vedic learning.
The fourteen sounds produced by Nataraja's drum are the means by which the Reality of Siva is to be known and experienced within us. The sages obtained the inner vision to see this Great Cosmic dance of Siva. At the end, every one were in the ocean of Bliss
Absolute. Among those present at Nataraja's dance was Panini. For him these 14 sounds meant the fourteen cardinal sutras of Grammer and on them he based his " Ashtadhyayi " .
The Nataraja was the Sabda-Brahma Incarnate and at the conclusion of his Tandava, these series of fourteen letters emanated:
1) a i un
2) r l k
3) e on
4) ai au c
5) ha ya va ra t
6) la n
7) jna ma gna Nna na m
8) jha bha n
9) gha dad ha s10) ja ba ga da da s
11) kha pha cha that ha ca ta ta v
12) ka pa y
13) sa sa sar
14) ha l
Based on the above 14 sutras, Sage Nandikeswara has written a commentary called " kAsika ". And based on the kAsika, Sage Upamanyu wrote a commentary called " Tatva Vimarsini ".
Now the commentary for the 1st sutra i.e, a, I, u, n.
1st Sutra: a I u n
Nirguna Parabrahma who is Siva is denoted by first letter `a'. The Sakti in the form of Chit Kala is denoted by `i' in this sutra. This is the medium or upadhi.
Siva (a) with Sakti (i) as upadhi gets manifested as Saguna Brahma (u). This saguna brahma (u) gets transformed into Jagat (n).
Here `a' is non-objective bliss – Siva tattva; `i' is the Kamakala – Sakti tattva; `u' is Ishwara tattva
As per Nandikeshwara kAsikA
akArO brahmarUpassyAnnirguNassarva vastuShu
chitkaLAm im samAsritya jagatrUpa u NIshwarah ||
i.e, a kara is Nirguna Parabrahma; Chitkala in the form of Kamakala is " I " ;
Both Siva in the form of " a " unite with Sakti in the form of " I " and give out
the by-product which is this Universe in the form of " uN " .
akAra sarvavarNAgryah prakAsah paramasivahAdi raMtyEna saMyOgAd " AHAM " iti eva jAyatE
From the 1st sutra of Maheshwara Sutras, " a " denotes the Prakasa Swarupa Parasiva.
When this unites with " h " of the 14th Sutra, becomes " AHAM " which is called PratyagAtma.
Like this, Nandikeshwara wrote 7 kAsikAs on the 1st sutra. And for every sutra, Sage Upamanyu wrote Tattva Vimarsini Vyakhya.
So, the 4th Kasika of the 1st Sutra says:
jagatsraShTu mabhUdvAM cha yadA hyAsItatadAbhavat
kAmabIjam iti prAhu rmunayO vEdapAragAh ||
Nandikeshwara says that " e " kAra is the svatantra swarupa which is called `mAyA " . This mAyA sakti " e " uniting with Siva in the form of " a " , creates the entire cosmos in the form of " AHAM " which is the " sabda shrishti " in the form of 16 vowels & 34 consonants.
This AHAM encompasses in itself entire 14 Maheshwara Sutras.
This AHAM is the Creation which is formed with the union of Siva (a) and Maya (e).
Commenting on this kAsikA, Sage Upamanyu says in his Tattva Vimarsini as:
Tatra sarvatra e-kArasyaiva sarva-tantratA mAha – akAra miti ||
This " e " kara is the Svatantra Sakti which is mAyA.
Further Sage Upamanyu Says:
Tattva Vimarsini of Upamanyu
jagatsraShTu mabhUtvAmchEti – uktam cha " svaprkAsaparaMatmavastunO
drishyamAnajagatssisrukShayA, kAmatah parasivapravEshanaM kAmabIjam idam evanischitam " iti " bIjam bindudvayArUDham sAdhyayOnisvarUpakaM MAHAKAMAKALA RUPA
mAtmAnam chintayEt priyE " ||
When Svaprakasa rupa Paramatma thinks of creating this universe, there is a desire in Him of becoming many. This " desire of becoming many " in the form of Creation takes birth in the Parasiva (a). This Desire is the Kama Bija. This Kama Bija is the Chitkala that takes the form of " e ".
Such a Paramasiva having the Desire is called Kameshwara and His mAyA sakti is Kameshwari. This Mithuna or the Union is called Kamakoti which is the form of MAHA-KAMAKALA.
kAnchipuranAyikAm hridi bhAvayE…..