Man is conjunction of Purusha & Prakriti.
Purusha/ Soul/ Seer covered by Maya tattva appears limited.
Prakriti/ Nature/ Seen is external manifestation of Purusha which evolutes to all things matter & energy.
Evolution of Prakriti is Asmita/ ahankar/ Ego which reflects Sat/ Being state of Purusha.
Citta is individual counterpart/ other end of thread of cosmic consciousness/ cit.
Aura of Purusha is ananda/ bliss.
These 3 form reflection of sat-cit-ananda Shiva
Sat/ Being state of Purusha is innermost covering of Soul/ Self.
Citta forms the second layer of Purusha.
Ananda of Shiva reflects citta/ individual consciousness & forms the 3rd layer, ananda kosha.
Highest evolute of Prakriti is Mahat/ Cosmic intellect.
Buddhi is discriminative intellect.
It's individual counterpart of mahat.
It forms 4th layer, vijnana kosha.
Manas/ mind is grosser tattva of Prakriti than buddhi & is directly controlled by it.
Mental layer is 5th layer from inside, Mano kosha.
Interaction of Purusha & Prakriti tattvas creates interface of contact between subject/ self & object/ external world.
This interface is antahkaran, trio of manas, buddhi, ahankar.
Light of citta is reflected on it.
Antahkarana has 3 functions - Conation, Cognition, Motion
Conation/ Volition is Will of Purusha stamped by "I"ness/ ego.
Cognition is expressed through buddhi/ intellect.
Motion is native property of manas/ mind.
Reflection of citta on antahkaran creates subjective experience of "I" & imparts subjective knowledge to buddhi/ intellect.
Senses provide information to mind which is processed by mind in association of buddhi in hindsight of past impressions & in light of emotions/ feelings.
Knowledge acquired by mind is objective.
Traces of past objective knowledge is memory & subjective knowledge is impressions.
Memory is neutral but its association with impressions makes it good/ bad.
sanskaras/ Impressions are deepest traces stored in antahkaran which sprout in favorable environment into vrittis/ thoughtwave & perceived by mind.
Citta gets clouded by this constant arising of vrittis.
All matter which constitute 5 elements, 5 sense organs, 5 internal organs form the outermost, 7th layer, anna kosha.
Functions of these matter give rise to nerve impulses & movement of prana, vital force which is 6th layer from inside, prana kosha.
Svasa/ breath is gross.
Prana/ vital force is subtle.
Movement of prana is directly controlled by manas/ mind.
So Still breath > Still prana > Still mind > Still citta, leading to laminar flow of consciousness with clear intellect, prajna/ Wisdom & being state of Bliss!
Citta viksepa is citta in current of disturbed thoughts.
Citta prasadna is laminar flow or stream calmly like a lake.
It culminates into Samadhana citta/ tranquility.
Ordinarily Citta has 4 major states & 16 detailed states.
There are 2 directions of movements in citta:
1. Sarvarthata citta – Scattering/ dispersiveness outwards in Nature/ Mother/ Prakriti
2. Ekagrata citta – One-pointedness (intensity may vary) inwards towards Self/ Father/ Purusa
Citta remains in center of this tug of war.
5 States of mind reflects citta in similar, respective efficiency/ clarity.
There are 7states of awareness in citta:
1. Vyutthana citta – Emerging consciousness; As long as 1 impression is replaced by counter-impression, consciousness rises up against it
2. Nirodha citta – Refraining consciousness; Restraining rising waves & overcoming these impressions
3. Nirmana citta – Sprouted consciousness
4. Prasanta citta – Tranquil consciousness
5. Ekagra citta – Attentive/ One pointed consciousness
6. Chidra citta – Fissured/ Rent consciousness
7. Divya/ Paripakva citta – Pure consciousness
Citta is pure consciousness in itself.
Being & bliss is its inherent nature.
But its flow appears to get impeded & clouded resulting in sufferings.
There are 5 Klesas/ Afflictions in its experience:
1.Asmita/ Ego sprouts into citta/ consciousness.
2.Avidya/ ignorance of true Self & attachment/ identification with prakriti/ nature keeps citta in cloud.
3.Impressions (3 types of instincts/ impulses) –
Raga, Dvesha, fear of death/ bhaya & clinging to life (Abhivesha)
To rediscover the true nature of Self-consciousness/ Shiva & be free of these afflictions is the path of Yoga.