Mantraam swa-dharma
Sarva vighnaharam devam sarva vighna vivarjitam
Sarva siddhi pradaataaram vandeham gananaayakam.
Shuklaambara dharam Vishnum Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam, Prasanna vadanam dhyaayey Sarva Vighnopata shantaye.
The Lakshya of Mantraam:
The Divine Parents of our Universe have given us everything we need in forms of stutis, stotrams, namavallis, sahasranama and sadhana paddhati along with Puranas and Vedas as the base foundation towards the enlightenment.
But what the Ponga Pundits have done is they used their little brains where having zero realisation on the God & Eternal Truth they have created a adharma that is on line with the asuras.
Every sect ultimately leads to the same divine source. However, these Bhand Gurus and their followers have only worsened the spiritual path for many, often distorting sacred teachings. Most of them are poor translators, yet they claim authority to preach about Bhagavan and Bhagavati.
I started Mantraam because I’ve seen how myths are spread, particularly in the areas of mantra and astrology. People, searching for remedies, often fall prey to charlatans, becoming trapped in their deceptive practices.
But now since 2020, after getting my first spiritual awakening & realisation, and later in 2023 I got my first God realisation (Not Sakshatkar rather in a realm that is beyond the physical darshanam) & also Sri Guru realisation (Not just realising who Sri Guru is, but having a direct close intensive realisation), the journey continues till date, each moment I am learning.
I don't know my own mother tongue properly, hindi and also sanskrit. I struggled a lot assuming that may be I am as they said an idiot. Yet I strived every moment to just know about my Ishtam, more and more so that I completely immerse myself in the ocean of bliss!
SWA DHARMA is in TIT-BIT everything. And GOD alone is REAL & EVERYTHING.
The Gurus are present in their subtle bodies too, and they know things, do things all based on GOD's call.
This website & all it's work is only devoted to truth. Incase, it bothers your own sensibility and thoughts that hamper your own journey, please do skip and close this website.
Jaya Maa Bhagavati!
Previous Lakshya We Have:
Each one of us, each and every soul has got some purpose in this life we have got.
Successful are those who know what they wanted to do in life.
And those of us, who do not know, what we should do in life, Mantraam is built for them.
Why certain incidents happen in our life, why we always look out for remedies. And just in those thoughts, we search every possible help we might get, be in the form of Mantras, Strotrams or Lal Kitab Remedies, and like these.
We go to all kinds of remedial shortcuts, we land up to encyclopedia of mantras and a whole different world where you do not know whom to pray, what to pray, and why to pray.
We, therefore, brought permission from Real Sadhakas who don't just preach without practicing what they emphasize. But make many topics crystal clear and let us understand the perspective of the subject to be deeply analyzed.
It's either your own choice whether you seek the path through knowledge or get direction from able Karmic readers. And hence, having understood a little bit about the Crux of Vedic Astrology, we arrived at a Conclusion.
And, what was that?
It's just that in our charts, someway if one reads the timing mentioned, one can help us with knowing what's that we are born for, what's the particular puruṣārthas in this life it is.
Be it Artha, Dharma, Kama, and Moksha, our life is destined for something among these four.
If you are just born for Artha, then you must get guidance according to it. Be it remedies of Japa, Dana or Homa, you just need to do that for that particular purpose.
And in that way we have been designing Mantraam, that not just you get to know of what the Karmic account of your soul has in the report, but in ways, you can transcend your soul for future births and also for this present birth.
Remember, it's the most difficult job at the day end because the one who interprets your Karmic account has to show you the rightest path or say right guidance as per the chart, because the Karmic Reader (The Vedic Astrologer) attract both Prarabdha and Sanchita Karmas, especially when they take Artha.
So we hereby emphasize here that each interpretation will be based on the data you provide. You take them as a reference and decide for yourself what you feel about it.
And apart from this Vedic Astrology, we have spirituality section, where we will bring articles from those whom you might not have known ever.
There are things which one must know. And we are bringing up either through collaboration or through getting permission. Most of the things will be related to Sadhana related.
We will publish also the best websites that one might have not known. And just bringing the required awareness for a better understanding of Life & it's purpose.
Jaya Maa Bhagavati!